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What is Xylitol

Our fruit spreads have approximately half the cane sugar used in regular jams with NO preservatives. Total Sugars are approximately "7"grams per tablespoon, 30 calories per tablespoon.

If you're a diabetic than I suggest you consult with your doctor and ask him/her about Xylitol.

We only use Xylitol in our Sugar Free and No-Sugar-Added fruit spreads.

I've experimented with other cane sugar replacements and found that I like Xylitol the best.


What is Xylitol?

Xylitol is a sugar alcohol naturally found in certain fruits and vegetables. Xylitol has no substantial nutritive value. Its real value lies in its low glycemic impact and the fact that sugar alcohols such as Xylitol don’t promote dental cavities, as many sugars do.

Xylitol was initially discovered by a German scientist in 1891. By the 1960’s Xylitol was being commercially used in Europe, the Soviet Union, and Japan. Today it’s commonly used in the United States as a low-calorie, low glycemic sweetener.

What is Xylitol made from?

Xylitol is commercially found in the cellulose of wood, sugar cane pulp, certain seed hulls, and/or corn cobs. Our Xylitol is produced from non-GMO corn cobs.

What are the most notable differences between Xylitol and white table sugar?

  • Xylitol is technically not a sugar; it’s a sugar alcohol, also known as a polyol. Unlike well-known, naturally-occurring sugars such as sucrose, fructose, and dextrose, Xylitol has five carbon atoms instead of six.
  • Unlike sugar, Xylitol is slowly absorbed. This means it won’t cause a rapid blood sugar spike, and it doesn’t require an immediate insulin response for it to be metabolized, as most sugars do.
  • At only 2.4 calories per gram versus 4 calories per gram for table sugar, Xylitol boasts 40% less caloric impact while providing approximately the same sweetness as table sugar.
  • Xylitol (25-50 g/day) consumption has been shown to slow gastric emptying and assist in appetite management.

Are there any cautions or warnings regarding the use of Xylitol?


Humans: Xylitol is recognized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration as a safe food sweetener for people. Large amounts of Xylitol (typically 30 to 40 grams or approximately 7 to 10 teaspoons), taken at one time, can produce undesirable temporary symptoms such as diarrhea and intestinal gas in susceptible individuals. If this happens, reduce intake or discontinue use.

Animals: While Xylitol is perfectly safe for humans, it should never be fed to animals and pets, in particular dogs, ferrets and rabbits. Xylitol can cause an extremely rapid blood sugar drop or liver failure that may be life-threatening. NEVER feed xylitol or xylitol-containing products to pets. Ingestion of Xylitol by pets, in any product, is a veterinary medical emergency.

If you suspect your pet ingested Xylitol by either observing this happen or finding evidence of a chewed container or product, and the animal is acting normal, you should attempt to give animal(s) a small meal and at the same time, immediately seek veterinary medical attention. If you have evidence that they ingested any product that contains Xylitol and the animal(s) is not acting normal you should seek veterinary medical attention immediately without giving the animal any food.